The ESIA and ESMP are complex tasks aimed at meeting international socio-environmental standards and the specifications of funding agencies, which often go beyond the requirements of licensing processes with federal and state environmental agencies.
These standards are referenced by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an entity associated with the World Bank.
One of our clients is the Serrote Project, owned by Vale Verde Mining (VVM), in the state of Alagoas.
In summary, the ESIA developed for VVM presents the project and describes the economic, social, and environmental profile of the communities in the influence area.
The ESMP details the socio-environmental management and monitoring programs and recommends good practices in environmental and social management, providing assurance to funding agencies, civil society, and the environment in its entirety.
We apply writing and visual communication techniques to elaborate a document in clear and accessible language, facilitating reading and understanding for anyone.
For the dissemination of the studies, we plan communication and stakeholder engagement actions with interactive dialogues tailored to different target audiences.
During these opportunities, the main inquiries and expectations of the communities are collected and clarified, it is also presented and discussed measures to mitigate and monitor negative impacts and leverage the positive impacts.
These communication actions were foreseen in the “Stakeholder Engagement Plan.”